
If your honey-do list includes painting, hand it over to us! We have the perfect solution. Our Painter for the Day will take care of your one-day painting needs. It’s an affordable, no-fuss opportunity to get some painting done without you ever having to lift...

If purple popsicles were your favorites as a kid, you could feel vindicated at last. Purple, along with other deep colors, has been selected by the influential color institute Pantone as its annual Color of the Year. Why does this matter, you ask? It matters...

It isn't every day that 1) our client is pint-sized; 2) they enthusiastically shout out "holy smokes!" when they see the results of our work. That's just what a thrilled 9-year-old Gavin did when he saw his newly made-over bedroom.  Gavin and his brother, Danny,...

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970 requires all workplaces, irrespective of size, to ensure a safe work environment. At Home Works Painting LLC, we take safety and OSHA compliance very seriously - as we should! We believe there is nothing more important to...

It’s not too late to perform some winterizing of your home if you haven’t already! This winter’s fluctuating temperatures could cause damage to a home - not to mention the loss of energy efficiency.  As Northern Virginia professional painters, we can offer a few simple...

Most of the time, things go very well with our projects. As an experienced contractor, we ask a lot of questions before we take on a job. We meet with clients onsite to understand the scope of the work and their expectations both for what...

Keeping up with color trends isn’t of interest (understandably) to everyone. However, paint color can be important for several reasons. If you are planning to repaint, renovate, or sell your home, color matters. Over the last few years, the color pendulum has moved from warm...

Replace old wallpaper with paint and what you get is a new room. The project we tackled for a charming Northern Virginia couple was an excellent example of the transformative power of paint in the expert hands of a reputable painting contractor. Scott and Joanne...

Removing old wallpaper is a daunting task. There is no nicer way of putting it. As one of the leading painting contractors in Northern Virginia, wallpaper removal is one of the services we offer. It can be very messy and time-consuming, and if it’s not...

Imagine walking into a home on the real estate market: the walls are scuffed, and the walls appear dingy. The baseboards and doors have some nicks from years of wear and tear. What would you think? As a professional painting contractor in Northern VA, we’d...

Awards and Recognition

Alternate Best Pick Ribbon
Member of Painting Contractor Association


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