
For a successful paint job, preparation is vital. Selecting a color is just a small part of an overall paint project. If you take your time and do a meticulous job prepping your space before you begin applying paint, you will be happier with the...

There are many ways to add interest to a room and, certainly, we like to say that painting is the easiest! However, we’d be remiss if we didn’t also say that specialty trim molding is another terrific way to change the look of a room...

Running a painting business in Northern Virginia has distinct advantages. It’s a highly populated area which means greater potential for business. This area tends to attract a discerning clientele willing to ask questions and expect a higher standard of service. We are all too happy...

It’s not too late to perform some winterizing of your home if you haven’t already! This winter’s fluctuating temperatures could cause damage to a home - not to mention the loss of energy efficiency.  As Northern Virginia professional painters, we can offer a few simple...

One of the most frequently asked questions we get as reputable painters in the Northern Virginia area relates to paint finishes.  A lot of folks don’t realize that paint comes in multiple finishes often called different things by different manufacturers. You might think the most...

READY FOR RELEASE December 12, 2016 Home Works Painting Selects ADAPT Clubhouse as the First Annual Paint-It-Forward Winner Brain Injury Services Organization to Receive $5000 in Painting Services Home Works Painting, LLC is pleased to announce ADAPT Clubhouse, an Alexandria based brain injury program, as the winner of their first...

One question our clients often ask us what they can expect on the first day of their project. Great question! You can expect a lot from us on any given day we are working on your project. Above all else, you can expect from our...

Here are five things you can do to refresh your home’s look without investing a lot of money.  If you're handy around the house, you can save more money by doing them yourself. However, if you need some help making any of these or other...

Here’s a painting tip: never select a paint color in the early morning or early evening hours.  As a professional Northern Virginia painter, we know that it is very important to look at paint colors at various times throughout the day, but not in the...

That’s right! We’re “Painting” it forward. Similar to the cultural phenomenon you see on social media where people pay for someone else’s coffee or doughnuts in line behind them, Home Works Painting has joined the national movement and will be doing our part by “painting”...

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Alternate Best Pick Ribbon
Member of Painting Contractor Association


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