If purple popsicles were your favorites as a kid, you could feel vindicated at last. Purple, along with other deep colors, has been selected by the influential color institute Pantone as its annual Color of the Year. Why does this matter, you ask? It matters...

It’s not too late to perform some winterizing of your home if you haven’t already! This winter’s fluctuating temperatures could cause damage to a home - not to mention the loss of energy efficiency.  As Northern Virginia professional painters, we can offer a few simple...

Most of the time, things go very well with our projects. As an experienced contractor, we ask a lot of questions before we take on a job. We meet with clients onsite to understand the scope of the work and their expectations both for what...

Keeping up with color trends isn’t of interest (understandably) to everyone. However, paint color can be important for several reasons. If you are planning to repaint, renovate, or sell your home, color matters. Over the last few years, the color pendulum has moved from warm...

When our clients and friends ask us for our professional opinion of chalkboard paint, we turn it back to them with two questions: How do you intend to use the surface? Would you rather use chalk or markers? These two questions can help you decide whether...

Our customers often ask us if they can paint vinyl siding when it starts to look worn. In most cases, you can paint vinyl siding. Vinyl siding is an attractive exterior selection given its price point and low-maintenance requirements. However, it's not perfect and sooner or...

Father’s Day this year is just a few weeks away on June 18. What are you giving to the father in your life?  If he lives in Northern Virginia, how about a gift certificate for painting or home repair with a leading painting contractor? Let...

Technology is quickly changing the face of professional services such as painting and color selections. Most major paint manufacturers now offer consumers a handy phone app to simplify the often angst-ridden process of choosing a color.  As professional painters in Northern Virginia, we’ve seen how...

For a successful paint job, preparation is vital. Selecting a color is just a small part of an overall paint project. If you take your time and do a meticulous job prepping your space before you begin applying paint, you will be happier with the...

Here are five things you can do to refresh your home’s look without investing a lot of money.  If you're handy around the house, you can save more money by doing them yourself. However, if you need some help making any of these or other...

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