
When considering the various factors that can boost the value of your home, the color scheme may not be the first that springs to mind, but hear me out. Imagine the workforce of a web design agency selecting the perfect palette to catch the eye and...

Caulking is the unsung hero of home maintenance. It diligently works in the shadows, shielding your living space from the elements stealthy encroachment. Whether sealing a drafty window, preventing water damage in the bathroom, or ensuring your kitchen sink remains a bastion against moisture, the right...

Choosing a color scheme for your kitchen is more than just a visual decision; it's a chance to infuse your home with your unique style and personality, enhancing its vitality and charm. Color can completely transform your kitchen, whether the soft morning light casts a warm...

Warmer weather is an ideal time - before it gets too hot - to spruce up your home's curb appeal. Not only will you make your neighbors happy, but if you plan to list your home, great curb appeal can help sell your home. Here are...

Winter is over and now's a good time to start  thinking about spring and what that can mean for home maintenance. So, let's talk about wood rot: what it is, how to avoid it, and what it can do to your home. What is Wood Rot For...

Did you know that you can create your own paint remover? While you can buy it from paint or home improvement stores, you can make a natural paint remover that's far less toxic using a few basic ingredients. The Case for Natural Paint Removers Most chemical paint...

Many homes today have very high ceilings - far beyond 12 feet and as high as two stories. Painting these types of ceilings is a challenging feat, even for an experienced professional painting contractor. It is important to understand when you should call in a...

When selecting a paint for your project, many options exist. However, the type of paint you choose can affect the air quality of your indoor environment and possibly even your health. You can select paint and finishing products that are healthier and more eco-friendly to...

Is there a Difference Between Interior and Exterior Paint? Do you have some leftover interior paint and need to do some touch-up exterior painting? Before you grab that brush, you should know that exterior and interior paints are different. They are formulated differently, which means they're...

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Alternate Best Pick Ribbon
Member of Painting Contractor Association


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