Interior painting Tag

When choosing paint colors for a room, one factor often overlooked is the effect of natural or artificial lighting. The type of light in a space can dramatically change the appearance of a paint color, altering its warmth, vibrancy, and overall tone. Understanding how different lighting...

Fall means a lot of things, but in the paint-color world, it means announcements for next year's Color of the Year. Last week, Benjamin Moore released their 2025 Color Trends Palette, including their Color of the Year 2025. For folks in the design and paint world, it's...

Selecting a paint color for a small room can be challenging. The right paint color can affect how a room feels. With strategic color choices, you can make a small area appear larger and more inviting. Here are some of our tips to guide your selection...

Estimating the amount of paint required for a project is crucial to avoid running short or overspending. Here's a straightforward guide to help you calculate how much paint you'll need. After decades in the industry, we've gotten pretty good at estimating the quantity of paint...

The choice of a paintbrush when painting can significantly impact the quality of the work. If you're thinking of tackling an interior paint job, here's our guide to understanding the different types of paintbrushes and their uses to help you achieve a professional finish. Here's...

Lighting plays a significant role in how we perceive colors. Lighting can make a shade that looks ideal in one type of lighting appear entirely different in another. When choosing paint colors for a room, it's essential to consider how types of lighting can dramatically...

When it comes to painting, ceilings rank pretty high on the list of challenges. We typically advise folks to leave ceiling painting to the pros. However, if you are up for the challenge, here's what you should know to achieve a professional finish.   Here are five...

You can get very creative when selecting paint—and we don't just mean with color! Some excellent specialty paints are available to showcase your creativity in your space. Here are some specialty paint options that can offer functionality and creativity: 1. Chalkboard Paint Chalkboard paint has been around for...

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