Commercial Painting

The appearance of a work environment matters considerably. Well-applied paint will convey a sense of professionalism and even affect how employees feel. Beautiful walls indicate a business that invests in itself and values its workplace and its employees. Peeling or poorly applied paint, drab colors, or scuffed walls communicates just the opposite.

At Home Works, we understand well the value of high-quality commercial painting; after all, we, too, are business owners with offices, employees, and clients! We have experience painting commercial interiors and exteriors. We can help you create a stylish workplace – with as little downtime as possible.

Our commercial painting services include:

  • Interior painting
  • Exterior painting
  • Carpentry repairs, including wood rot
  • Molding installation
  • Pressure washing

Awards and Recognition

Alternate Best Pick Ribbon
Member of Painting Contractor Association


Five Star Badge
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